Goliath comes in many forms~
It is time to stop the devastation to innocent families which is occurring daily across the country.
My Family Rights Affiliation


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Join Our Team>>> NFPCAR

I am known online as GranPa Chuck, and am currently the keeper of the web files for http://nfpcar.org/. NFPCAR was established in 2002 and the basic Philosophies of our Founders have been my inspiration to build a web site with these ideas in mind.

...FYI, Here is the original letter composed by the Original Founder. Please note, I have changed very little. (For more info go to>> http://nfpcar.org/States/need.htm

I can't stress enough that>> "We are Advocates for Ourselves and we must Protect those Closest to Us"

Copyright © 2002
Link to Our Site

Copy of Letter>>

Information About State Director Position
Hi Possible Director or Advocate,

For anyone who is interested in becoming a state director for NFPCAR, the following are some of the things we have discussed in the past. Also, Advocates are always wanted to support and assist the director. 

With the fact that we have lives outside of the group, we're moving along slowly, but we're moving.  Our group is trying to bring the issue of allegations to the forefront.  We can do that by making people aware of the problem and not allowing it to be kept a "secret" any longer.      
For right now, our state director's need to contact their state and local foster parent associations for referrals.  We want to let them know we are a support group for foster and adoptive parents who have had allegations made against them and ask when someone calls in, to refer them to us.  I'm sure we all remember, only too well, when we felt so alone.  Besides being advocates for reform, we are a support group

We've talked about putting up flyers on bulletin boards in grocery stores, Laundromats, etc.; taking out ads in our newspapers; passing out business cards and we'll be looking into public service announcements to see if that's possible.  We have members who are on committees, working with a judge, speaking before legislators, writing books, presenting at conferences, etc.  Even if you don't have the resources to do anything like this, do what you can. 

You need to contact the legislators in your state concerning foster parent allegations, to bring the issue to their attention.

One thing that is expected of the state director's is when we have the opportunity to respond to someone, such as when there is a request to write a letter to an individual or group about allegations, I would like at least the director's to respond.  We can't miss these opportunities to voice our opinions. When there is an article in your local newspaper about foster parenting, send a letter to the editor explaining the reason for the decrease in people who are willing to do foster care (allegations).
We also want each state director to look for different foster parent organizations or groups in their state on the Internet and write to them.  We need to increase our numbers, only then will our voices be heard.

The only thing I ask everyone is not to say anything that would portray our group as a radical or negative one, such as all social workers are liars, that the whole system stinks, or anything of that nature.  Keep in mind that there are areas that the system does work and there are workers who do care.  At all times, be respectful and professional.  We can rant and rave all we want to our group, but that needs to be left on the group and not when we're talking to others.  Remember that you are representing all of us and other members are working on things that have not been presented to the group.  We can't do anything to jeopardize their work, our integrity or the name we are trying to build.
Once we are woking our non-profit status and we have formed a board of directors. It is hoped that we can meet a least once a year for at the NFPA Conference to man our booth. We have applied for a grant.

In this past, we've had an article in Fostering Families Today about NFPCAR and have been contacted by MSNBC, The O'Reilly Factor, Montel and the director of a documentary film.  Even though we didn't make appearances on all the shows, at least they know we exist. 
Our NFPCAR Website now has a webpage for your state chapter. Currently, we are working to add information for each state. If you have any additional information to add to your state page, please contact our webmaster

As a state director, you'll receive business cards with your name on them, a t-shirt transfer with our logo and the State Chapter on it, along with the instructions for ironing it on a t-shirt.  You'll get a few brochures, flyers that can be put up on bulletin boards, a window decal that you can put in your car window and a few articles about allegations. 

There is no training needed to be a state director, you've had all the training you need by living through the nightmare of allegations.  Speak from your heart and about what you have experienced.
Thanks from All of Us of NFPCAR 

*Original ideas and Letter by Linda, Our Founder; Revised 04/24/08 
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First Post on Yahoo Discussion Group
(Note: As of 04/27/2010, 3:26PM PST there were 78,141 Messages Posted; and 815 Members. On 04/16/2011, we will post the New total to honor our 10 years as a discussion group. Through Sharing, Caring, and Guidance, there has been alot of useful information.. And much of the Original Ideas and Discussion are part of our NFPCAR website information.)

1 Welcome Welcome
Madelene and I would like to welcome you to the newly formed Foster Parent Allegation group! Please bear with us while we are getting things started. This will be an organized effort to advocate for changes in the way allegations are handled and to bring about a public awareness of this issue which is out of control. We encourage everyone to read Dr. Bruce Perry's website and to enroll in his online classes. He is an expert in child trauma and it is with his research that we will "arm" ourselves when advocating for change.



Wall Street Reform????

Recently Received an email from my CA Senator. Thought I would share.. And simply ask the question "Is this going to help us, as Individuals???" Keep in mind, my basic philosophy is that the only True Leaders are Ourselves.. OR basically>> "We are Advocates for Ourselves and Those Closest to Us."
Dear Mr. Ferrari:

Because you had written to me some time ago in support of Wall Street reform, I wanted to follow up and share some good news with you about this important issue.
On May 20, 2010, the Senate passed S.3217, the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010, by a vote of 59 to 39.  This bill will bring real reform to our financial system.  Never again shall we allow Wall Street to engage in the reckless speculation and irresponsible lending practices that led to the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression and caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, their homes, and their savings. 
This landmark Wall Street reform bill includes my amendment ensuring in plain English - and with the force of law - that taxpayers will never again have to bail out a reckless Wall Street firm.   I am happy to announce that my amendment passed the Senate on a 96 to 1 vote.
In addition, S.3217 would 
o   Create an early warning system to help prevent future crises; 
o   Establish a strong consumer financial protection watchdog to protect American families from being victimized by shady financial practices;
o   Regulate the exotic securities and derivative instruments that crashed the economy; and
o   Create real accountability and transparency on Wall Street.
S.3217 also contains a provision based on my proposal to ban so-called "steering payments" - bonuses given by banks to mortgage brokers to place homeowners in riskier and more costly subprime loans that many families could not afford.  I worked closely with the Banking Committee on the final language in the bill, which will ban steering payments and require that lenders confirm a borrower's ability to repay the loan.
As President Obama has noted, in the years leading up to financial crisis, some on Wall Street forgot that behind every dollar traded or leveraged, there is a family looking to buy a house, pay for an education, open a business, or save for retirement.  What happens on Wall Street has real consequences across our country and across our economy.
The House and Senate are now working out the final language for Wall Street reform legislation.  Be assured that I will keep working to enact a bill that protects investors and taxpayers while laying a strong foundation for future economic growth and job creation. 
Again, thank you for writing to me.  Please feel free to contact me again about this or other issues of concern to you.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

p.s. Letters sent to the U.S. Capitol are subject to a lengthy screening process. 
Please address mail to me at 312 North Spring Street, Suite 1748, Los Angeles CA 90012.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

Please do not respond to this message. If you would like to comment on legislation, please visit my website and use the correspondence form at http://www.boxer.senate.gov/en/contact/policycomments.cfm