Came across a recent article "Contact 13 Chief Investigator Darcy Spears wins 3 Emmys"
Link to article:
From this article, here are just a few of the accomplishments:
"..Darcy also won an Emmy for a report on school spending, where she revealed that the Clark County School District spent more than $1 million on iPads in six months. Another report focused on school district police buying brand new uniforms, weapons and badges all during a district budget crises..."
A congratulations needs to go to Darcy for Researching and Exposing the Truth.
Link to article:
From this article, here are just a few of the accomplishments:
- Contact 13 Investigates: Foster Care Nightmare
Also, do sign this petition of the Foster Care Giver that was featured in this article: Department of Family Services Do No Harm!
Note: Might even want to contact Vicki and learn how she "Got the word out"
"..Darcy also won an Emmy for a report on school spending, where she revealed that the Clark County School District spent more than $1 million on iPads in six months. Another report focused on school district police buying brand new uniforms, weapons and badges all during a district budget crises..."
A congratulations needs to go to Darcy for Researching and Exposing the Truth.
I encourage everyone, in their neck of the woods to find that one reporter that may do the same. For example in "Standing in the Shadow of Law", Chapter 7-News Article Collection,
the Author, Marilyn Harrison, shares some of her favorite reporters. Here is an excerpt:
A Collection of some of the
articles that describe the many challenges we have when working
with the agency.
Children Are at Risk
Each and
every branch of government has
checks and balances
in place to ensure that our persons in charge have someone to
answer to. Someone to keep an eye on them, and keep them as
honest as possible. Why are there no such checks and
balances for CPS?
I was sitting in the viewing balcony
when I witnessed Arizona Legislator Ray Barnes stand up and say:
“We asked for a report on why D.E.S. (Department of Economic
Security which oversees Child Protective Services) needed an
additional appropriation of $27 million to get them out of the
To date the Legislators had not received
it. He went on to say: “I think it is about time you were made
accountable to someone. You are accountable to us. If we
do not have an explanation of how you got yourself into this
mess, then we say NO MORE MONEY until we have the explanation
I applauded
this gutsy Arizona Legislator for having the courage to stand up
to this powerful enemy of We the People. It is time
for this government created entity to be held accountable by
We the People.
you agree, then write to your Congressman, Legislators, Senators
let them know how you feel about this out-of-control bureaucracy
let them know how you feel about this out-of-control bureaucracy

Here is another person(s), you may want to contact, your legislator:
(Following information from:
Standing To Be Heard
Get Your Story Out There For Free
Get Your Story Out There For Free
Contact US Senators. You can go to this link and write an email directly to them or better yet write a formal letter.
Write your story to your US Congressman:
Article on: Contacting Your
State Legislator For Help
Originally Posted: 16 Sep 2007 12:06 PM CDT
Goliath comes in many forms~
It is time to stop the devastation to innocent families which is occurring daily across the country.
My Family Rights Affiliation
Granpa Chuck
Keeper of the web files for