- Johnnelle Raines Sheri Few and all the other ANTI Common Core warriors. This was posted by a friend in NORTH Carolina -
Here are the links to the 8 video segments from last week's Legislative hearing in Raleigh on Common Core. Some of the committee members struck at the heart of the problems with their questions to those presenting. It gives a good overview of how we got to this point, what it all means, what can and can't be done about it, and what the Legislative Research Committee will pass along to the other members of the General Assembly in their report.
Yes, it runs over 2 1/2 hours in length, but if you really care about what's going on in the schools, this is a good way to get informed. If you're a part of the effort to stop CC here in NC, then it will really help if you are up to date on where we stand.
These clips will still be here after the holidays, so enjoy the next few days with family and friends and then come back to them ready to take on the Beast!
NC Legislative Research Committee Hearing on Common Core, December 17th, 2013
Room 643, Legislative Office Building, Raleigh, NC
Part 1: http://youtu.be/CMN_avSCrqM
Committee Co-Chair Senator Dan Soucek (R-45) opens the hearing with a welcome and an explanation of the agenda for that day. He went on to explain that this is the first of four public hearings to be held on Common Core and that public comment would be permitted at subsequent meetings. The agenda includes presentations by advocates at both the state and national level followed by a Q&A session for members to express their concerns to those presenting.
Part 2: http://youtu.be/4qUgVrmxacY
Committee Co-Chair Rep Bryan Holloway (R-91) offers his welcoming remarks and shares his views on the Committee's focus and purpose. He is followed by Ms. Dee Atkinson of the NC General Assembly Research Division Staff who puts into the record the Committee's charge from the Legislature, citing their authority, mission and purpose.
Part 3: http://youtu.be/JBSm57mQ904
Dr. Patsy Pierce of the General Assembly's Legislative Research Division gives an overview of NC General Statutes pertaining to education, and explains the difference between "standards" and "curriculum".
Part 4: http://youtu.be/cwxPDs2OxC0
Michael Brickman, Policy Director at the Fordham Institute and former Education Policy Advisor to WI Governor Scott Walker briefs the committee on the national importance and implications of Common Core, and why they fully support it.
Part 5: http://youtu.be/_QAeEIRB4pQ
Chairman of the State Board of Education Bill Cobey addressed the Committee from his perspective working with the Department of Public Instruction.
Part 6: http://youtu.be/9xGedDHbPDQ
NC Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. June Atkinson briefs the committee on the legal requirements, legislative action and misconceptions affecting Common Core, and then takes some very pointed questions from some of the Committee members.
Part 7: http://youtu.be/afp2LUUJX4I
Dr. Rebecca Garland, Chief Academic Officer of the NC Dept. of Public Instruction explains about professional development of teachers and staff to educate them on Common Core, how federal funds are being applied to the programs and what resources are available to them to insure success.
Part 8: http://youtu.be/pfSAO1MD2ZQ
In the final segment, members of the committee pose questions to the presenters regarding key issues of student/parent privacy, program cost, and state autonomy in deciding how and what our students are taught in public schools.
NC Common Core Hearing - Part 1 www.youtube.comCommittee Co-Chair Senator Dan Soucek (R-45) opens the hearing with a welcome and an explanation of the agenda for that day. He went on to explain that this ...
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