PsychSearch.net identified every psychiatrist in the USA and then launched a research project that continues to this day. The project involves continuous contact with each state to obtain records of "psychiatrists in hot water".
This has now developed into the largest collection of public records on USA psychiatrists in existence.
Over the years, we've often heard from folks outside the USA: "Are you going to do this in our country?"
"No plans at this time" was always our answer.
Until now. A generous Canadian has now suggested that PsychSearch expand its horizons to the Great White North!
Brrr.... So, we've decided to start providing records on Canadian psychiatrists! Oh Canada! We're going to light up those psych records with some sunshine! - Oh yahh, you betcha!
That is where you will soon see the Canadian records appearing.
There are 14 Canadian provinces and territories and the Canuck's have one-tenth the number of psychiatrists
as opposed to the USA. So, the speed at which we investigate and buy the Canadian records (and then put online) depends only upon the continuing financial support the Rulers of Hockey can provide.
We should make good fast progress on this project, eh?
And to you generous souls in other English speaking countries - Australia, England, New Zealand, Northern
Ireland, Scotland and Wales:
Who's next after Canada?
Finance the inexorable push to document Psychs in Hot Water - Click recurring here:
A byproduct of the PsychSearch.net compilation of records research project is the daily "Psych in Hot Water" news!
Join your friends at the Facebook Group - Psychs!
Now over 9,000 members!
Best Regards,
Kenneth Kramer
DataSearch, Inc.
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