Goliath comes in many forms~
It is time to stop the devastation to innocent families which is occurring daily across the country.
My Family Rights Affiliation


Friday, February 26, 2010

Tell Congress to Finish the Job on Health Care Reform

Just Passing this on for others to Pass On

  No American should have to choose between their life savings and saving their life.

But that is exactly the choice millions of people with serious medical conditions who are denied health insurance have to make every day under the status quo.

Our nation's health care system simply isn't meeting the needs of our people, and that's not going to change until Congress finishes the job and passes meaningful health care reform that ensures that no one is denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions and that people aren't forced into financial ruin to pay for medical expenses.

As the debate in Washington continues, there is still time to make a difference.

Sign a petition asking Congress to help pass meaningful health care reform now >

We need to improve access to health coverage and lower the costs of care - and we need to do it now. We have come so far and endured so much in this fight. It is time for members of both parties to put the American people above partisan politics.

Now is not the time to turn back. Too many Americans simply can't afford any more delays.

Tell Congress that we’ve come too far and accomplished too much to let meaningful health care reform fail >

Thank you for helping,

- The Change.org Team in partnership with the
   American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wall Street TOTALLY out of wack

eMail Notice from
Consumers Union
Consumer confidence just hit an all-time low.
Yet Wall Street bonuses climbed 17% last year, and financial industry profits may reach $55 billion – nearly three-times the previous record!
The financial industry is more out-of-whack than ever, continuing to reward those who gamble with our hard-earned money. Meanwhile, promised reforms designed to bring back personal responsibility, fair play and common sense are sidelined in Congress – and political opponents think you won’t notice, or won’t care!
It’s time Washington stops listening to the banks and listens to you. The Senate is putting together a financial reform bill, and the banks’ top brass know their big bonuses are at stake. Make sure your Senators know their responsibility to voters is at stake – tell them to support real Wall Street reform now!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oppose Obamacare<<< I am Getting Tired Hearing this!!!!

Just received an email today titled------ Californians, here's how to stop Obamacare

Not going to say who it came from, but I did respond and thought I would share it FYI: 
If I may present a thought... Good, Affordable health care is not a political scenerio... I am personally ashamed the we, as a nation have the highest premiums, but yet the worst record as medical well being... How many times has the president asked ALL of us, including the no it all Republicans... ie What Would you Do....

Let's face it, our nation has a terrible health care system, we are financially in trouble, etc.   We have relied on the government and they are not helping... Not to mention the second government, Big Business....

So in reality, are you really for the people, Families, etc.... and support say the idea that individual families need a Bail Out and Not Big Business.

I've followed this movement, and I really wonder if there are any leaders out there who really care about us families out there....Since, I am a strong believer that the REAL Leaders are those who are the head of their families.....

Not to mention Families are NOT about a particular religion; And NOT about a particular Political Affiliation.... Heavens sake, every political side has made some terrible mistakes throughout the years.... But this is the First President to ask, and or make an attempt to Ask "What would You Do"

Of course what I said above will make NO Sense, if You believe you are Right
  •  For Additional Consideration, here is another thought taken from a website that I am the Weekend Webmaster For:
“We are joining forces with all persons affected by Parens Patriae to include parents, extended family, foster parents and father's and mother's rights groups. While this is a difficult endeavor due to various divisions, the focus will be on challenging the system with the unified goals and commonalities that each is suffering under in family courts and through CPS.”
(Back to Top)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Protect People, NOT Banks

I am merely presenting this email from AARP to hopefully make us realize that we are dealing with two governments, ie Political and Big Business....When in reality, we as an individual and family asked these entities to help us maintain a better quality of life.

Also to add to this, on the news I did hear that these reforms were now in place:
  1. The banks can no longer increase the interest rates on past charges
  2. The banks could not increase interest if one made a late payment 
However, for those who have credit cards, most banks sent out letters saying they were going to increase interest rates and many banks decreased the days to charge interest from 30 days to 21 days.

Finally, why am I even mentioning to this group.. Primarily because we as a parent and family must realize that everything affects us as to the success of our families.

So FYI, here is the email I received today:
I've been hearing from my colleagues on Capitol Hill that a key Senate committee could be voting as early as this week on strong financial reforms.
And I've also heard that lobbyists are working around the clock to stop real reforms – allowing some of the same reckless behavior that led us into the current crisis to continue.
That's why we need to flood our senators' offices with calls of support, urging them to pass strong financial reform that protects Americans who play by the rules.
Here's how you can help:
Dial 1-800-335-6946 now and follow the steps below to urge your U.S. senators to vote for reform.
  1. After you've dialed 1-800-335-6946, follow the prompts to enter your zip code. Then press "1" to connect to your first senator's office.
  2. Tell the staff person who answers the phone where you are calling from and that you strongly urge the senator to vote for strong financial reform.
  3. You can choose to end your call there, but if you'd like, you can also mention that those who caused the financial crisis should be held accountable for their recklessness and that Americans who play by the rules should be protected.
  4. We need each and every senator to stand up for financial reform, so please call 1-800-335-6946 a second time. Once again enter your zip code, then press "2" to be connected with your second senator.
  5. After you're done, click here to let us know you called. This step is important for us to be able to measure the impact we're having, so please don't skip it!
This is a critical moment for the future of our country. It's our chance to ensure that those who caused the financial crisis are accountable for the damage they've caused, to protect consumers and small businesses, and to promote long-term economic growth.
Please call your senators and urge them to support real financial reform.
Thank you for your help on this urgent matter.
Barry Jackson
Senior Manager, Grassroots

Monday, February 8, 2010

Make Up Your Mind- Family Preservation OR Foster Care??????

FYI, Here are three articles that were published in LA, California in 2 Days... Seems there was a misunderstanding of what CPS's Goal was.. So read them and see what you think.
May we find strength in our Higher Power,
Granpa Chuck
Weekend Webmaster>> http://nfpcar.org


L.A. County's top child welfare official backs off comments

LOS ANGELES TIMES | Sat, Feb 6, 5:56 AM | 0 comments

Feb. 6--Los Angeles County's top child welfare official pulled back Friday from her published comments in The Times that the department was suspending efforts to reduce the number of children in foster care. Read more

L.A. County shifts approach to children in foster care

LOS ANGELES TIMES | Fri, Feb 5, 11:16 PM | 0 comments

Feb. 5--Los Angeles County has suspended a long-standing effort to reduce the number of children in foster homes because keeping more of the children with their birth families could be unsafe, the county's top child-welfare official said. Read more

L.A. County will no longer strive to reunite families

LOS ANGELES TIMES | Fri, Feb 5, 5:19 AM | 0 comments

Feb. 5--Los Angeles County has suspended a long-standing effort to reduce the number of children in foster homes because keeping more of the children with their birth families could be unsafe, the county's top child-welfare official said. Read more

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Court Reform--Cast Your Vote

Crazy idea, but couldn't hurt to vote:
The Obama Administration has welcomed input for ideas to change our current systems for the better.

Here is a link:

to eliminate kangaroo court proceedings, and demand equal protection under the law for all cases. Specifically, reform of dependency hearings to require actual evidence supporting intervention before adjudication of children as dependent wards of the state.

Granpa Chuck
Weekend Webmaster>>http://nfpcar.org

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Teacher who placed bag over student's head will stay on the job

A very short Story FYI. Actually this should make a Parent Upset. As a Family Advocate, I have seen children taken from their home with doing much, much less.

Link: http://www.chicoer.com/news/ci_14326767

Teacher who placed bag over student's head will stay on the job

Staff reports

CHICO — A teacher who placed a plastic bag over the head of a student at Parkview Elementary School Jan. 22 won't lose his job, a Chico Unified School District official said Wednesday.

Assistant Superintendent Bob Feaster said discipline is possible, and that matter is being discussed.

Feaster said it's been determined that the unidentified student was never in physical danger.


Remember, we as parents gave the responsibilty to our Public Schools to discipline our children when they are at School. Please read>>> What is "in loco parentis"?

This is a section put together by Panda Bear and is now on webpage>> http://nfpcar.org/Miranda/ and compares Private Schools rights to Public School Rights

What is "in loco parentis"?

This ruling above, however, does give the authorities a loophole, as it restricts these fishing expeditions on PRIVATE property, i.e. a private home, private school, etc. A PUBLIC school does not have these protections. Why? When you drop your child(ren) off at the schoolhouse door, you are then giving the public school authority to act in your stead via something called "in loco parentis" which is Latin for "in place of the parents." (Related term: Parens Patriae which is Latin for "father of the people")

When the public school exercises their version of in loco parentis, they substitute their judgment for yours. Remember, they are government officials that you place in charge of your children for approximately 180 days a year. They will do what they deem best for your child while you are not there, including letting other governmental personnel have access to your child. You remember that the public school is a governmental institution, don't you?

''...[S]chool officials act as representatives of the State, not merely as surrogates for the parents.''469 U.S. 336 (1984)

You give this same authority to a private school, but with a few differences.

  • Number one, they are not a governmental entity.

  • Secondly, this school probably reflects your values and standards better than the public institution. A public school probably has different values and standards than you do in your home. Their mantra is often "Is it good for the children?", which they have loosely translated from the legal definition of "in the best interests of the child."

  • Third, a private school is more interested in protecting your rights as they have a vested interest in keeping you a happy customer. They want your business, (you pay them money) and are willing to abide by your rules, and you have already given them a copy of your Reverse Miranda notice and the Hatch Amendment Letter, right?

A public school has public monies at its disposal. They don't have to please you, as they feel they are the only legitimate source of education there is, even if it isn't. They don't want the parents to have the freedom to choose, because when we do, we often don't choose the public version of school.

Another good case to note is Heartland Academy Community Church, et al, vs. Michael Waddle, decided May 11, 2004 in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, Northern Division.

"In the context of removing a child from his home and family, a seizure is reasonable if it is pursuant to a court order, if it is supported by probable cause, or if it is justified by exigent circumstances, meaning that state officers `"have reason to believe that life or limb is in immediate jeopardy.'" Brokaw, 235 F.3d at 1010 (quoting Tenenbaum v. Williams, 193 F.3d 581, 605 (2d Cir. 1999) (citation omitted)). The same standard for reasonableness applies when a child is seized from a private school where she has been placed by her parents. See Doe, 327 F.3d at 512 (holding "[i]n our view, there is no basis for concluding that when a minor child is entrusted to the care of a private school in loco parentis his reasonable expectation of privacy, vis-à-vis government officials, differs in any material respect from that which he would otherwise expect to receive at home.").

Michael C. v. Gresbach, another 7th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, this time from 2008, mirrors the Doe v. Heck case above. From the Liberty Counsel website:

"Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of two Wisconsin children who were strip-searched by a state social worker at a private Christian school. In Michael C. v. Gresbach, the appeals court panel unanimously ruled that the social worker, Dana Gresbach, violated the Fourth Amendment rights of the children to be free from an unreasonable search.

"The court stated that "it is a violation of a child's constitutional rights to conduct a search of a child at a private school without a warrant or probable cause, consent, or exigent circumstances." The court held the social worker personally responsible for violating the students' rights, because the law in this area is so clear that she should have known her actions were unconstitutional. Although the school principal allowed the social worker to interview the students, the social worker never even mentioned that she intended to require the children to remove their clothing. In addition, the social worker refused to allow the principal to contact the parents before the interview or to be present when she forced the children to strip.

"Stephen Crampton, Vice President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel for Liberty Counsel, commented: "Decades ago, the United States Supreme Court emphatically ruled that the child is not the mere creature of the state. Unfortunately, social workers repeatedly ignore that fact and routinely trample parents' rights under the guise of protecting the children. This ruling sends the message that the Constitution is still in effect protecting law-abiding families from the overreaching arm of the state, both in the home and in private schools."

In Arizona on Sept 27, 2007, in the case Loudermilk v. Arpaio, a Federal Court ruled that an unsupported threat to place children in custody was unconstitutional because the fear tactics the social workers and sheriff's deputies used violated the constitutional guarantee of family privacy and integrity.

"Defendants persisted in their threats to remove the children if Plaintiff Parents did not consent to the search, stating that [they] could arrest or handcuff the Parents in front of the children. Based on the allegations set forth in the Amended Complaint, viewed in Plaintiff's favor, no reasonable official would have believed that his or her conduct was authorized by state or constitutional law."

The judge additionally cites:

"The principle that government officials cannot coerce entry into people's houses without a search warrant or applicability of an established exception to the requirement of a search warrant is so well established that any reasonable officer would know it." Calabretta, 189 F.3d at 813. Similarly, "[t]he constitutional right of parents and children to live together without government interference is well established." Mabe, 237 F.3d at 1107 (citing Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 753 (1982))."

"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance. And people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both." James Madison, letter to W.T. Barry (August 4, 1822), reprinted in G.P. HUNT, ED., IX THE WRITINGS OF JAMES MADISON 103

"The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies that serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may maintain control over the instruments that they have created." Washington Public Records Act, RCW §42.17.251

Unless courts are prepared to enforce these rights and protect those charged with crime, irrespective of their obvious guilt, they condone illegitimate and unconstitutional practices which, if long adhered to, may result in a breakdown of the protection accorded free men by the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.[fn3] This course, like the enforcement of other parts of the Bill of Rights, may often afford a shelter for criminals, "But the forefathers thought this was not too great a price to pay for that decent privacy of home, papers and effects which is indispensable to individual dignity and self respect. They may have overvalued privacy, but I am not disposed to set their command at naught."[fn4] BROCK v. UNITED STATES, 223 F.2d 681 (5th Cir. 1955).


Visit Our Site http://nfpcar.org/Miranda/

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fish oil supplements prevent mental illness; safe and effective alternative to antipsychotic drugs

Many of you probably already know the benefits of Fish Oil... Actually it has help my daughter with her bi-polar disorder... But thought this info would be interesting... a small sampling, but just one important example of using a natural product. God Bless, GranPa Chuck
~Beginning of Story~

Breakthrough research is now showing that fish oil supplements taken for just 12 weeks out of the year work powerfully to prevent mental illness -- and they're safer, more affordable and just as effective as antipsychotic drugs (yet without all the negative side effects like gaining weight).
Link>> Fish oil supplements prevent mental illness; safe and effective alternative to antipsychotic drugs