Goliath comes in many forms~
It is time to stop the devastation to innocent families which is occurring daily across the country.
My Family Rights Affiliation


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Penalties for False Allegations

This is just one example of the creation of penalties for making a False Allegation. In this case Rep. Wally Hicks, R-Grants Pass, OR stated:
“Accusing somebody of something as serious as child abuse tarnishes their reputation in a way that is unique,”

Over the last decade many have wondered why a group of Foster Parents, falsely accused and established in 2001 have joined with Natural Parents, Relatives, etc. to oppose the injustices by the agency and even in our court system.

One basic and common concern is the "false allegations" that occur on a daily basis. Please note that one of the Tricks played by the agency is to make one look like the worst parent in the world. However, in your defense, you must challenge any false statement made against you by proof that No you were doing all possible to protect your child.

Not to mention, the basic guideline for our legal system is to seek the Truth.. But, we must remember, if the judge is doing their job, they are bound to make their decisions on what is presented... And unfortunately when False Allegations are made, the Truth may not come forth.

So do take a moment to read the information from Oregon below, plus some of the other references. Remember "You must become an advocate for yourself to protect your precious family".
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
Keeper of the web files for http://nfpcar.org
On Jul 6, 2011 and as part of Chapter 606, (2011 Laws) the passage of this bill become effective January 1, 2012.

The bill would make accusations of child abuse that are known to be false when made a crime punishable by a fine of up to $720.
Proponents said the bill is intended to keep people from maliciously filing false reports in the midst of a divorce, custody fight or other domestic conflict.

“Accusing somebody of something as serious as child abuse tarnishes their reputation in a way that is unique,” said Rep. Wally Hicks, R-Grants Pass.
Legislators opposed to the measure expressed concern that it would have a chilling effect, causing people who suspect abuse but aren’t certain to hesitate before acting.
See History of Bill Passage>> http://gov.oregonlive.com/bill/2011/HB2183/
    Introduced>>Jan 10, 2011: First reading. Referred to the desks of the Co-Speakers.
Also visit my blog>> Defend Yourself

  • "Do you know your rights? If not, you have none." Please note, we are NOT lawyers, and it is the responsibility of the reader to research the validity of these statements and/or seek qualified Legal Assistance...ie "Show me the Law!!!"
State Summary Statutes of>>

Penalties for Failure to Report and False Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

Series Title:
State Statutes
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Year Published:
2009 - 21 pages
Penalties that States may impose on 
  • mandatory reporters who fail to report, or 
  • on any person who makes a false report. 
Summaries of laws for all States and US territories are included.
Return Key Issues

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