Goliath comes in many forms~
It is time to stop the devastation to innocent families which is occurring daily across the country.
My Family Rights Affiliation


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Vital to Know the Past to Understand the Present

Have often said that we must know ALL sides of an issue to even hope to come to a solution.

For example, why are the leaders in the US trying to instill Democracy in Other Countries when many countries have only known generations of War??

However, even in the US there is a past occurrence, known to many, as the "Pruitt-Igoe Myth"

Introductory comments in this blog were taken from this Review of a Video Documentary of :
The Pruitt-Igoe Myth: an Urban History
Just a few comments in this review:
  • “The Pruitt-Igoe Myth” is surely one of the best and most moving documentaries in recent years.
  • As many of the former residents recalled, Pruitt-Igoe was a dream-come-true.
  •  Many in the Federal government saw the need for humane housing for the poor and pushed through legislation known as the Housing Act of 1949, part of President Truman’s Fair Deal
  • Further contributing to an increasing atmosphere of hopelessness was the systematic government destruction of the family. 
  • Under federal rules for families receiving ADC (aid for dependent children), no adult male was allowed to live on premises, as it was thought that unemployed men would take unfair advantage of the system.
  • Families moved away whenever the opportunity presented itself and there were fewer rents to support the maintenance of elevators that never worked and garbage that was rarely incinerated.
  • Deteriorating to a point of no return, the residents were moved out, the buildings imploded and the land cleared in 1972.
    Read it all>>http://www.easyreadernews.com/50330/pruitt-igoe-myth-movie/
Link to the Trailer of this movie>> http://vimeo.com/18356414

A Dream of Hope

Image by Felicita Luna
Ended in Destruction
May you find Strength in Your Higher Power,
Granpa Chuck
Keeper of the web files for http://nfpcar.org

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