Goliath comes in many forms~
It is time to stop the devastation to innocent families which is occurring daily across the country.
My Family Rights Affiliation


Thursday, July 5, 2012


Advocates for Our Child, Our Families
by Guiding all to:
"Become Advocates for Themselves to
Protect Their Precious Family
Here are a few more links that may assist one in their search for possible answers:
Become an Advocate for Yourself to Protect your Precious Family

The more one learns, the more one may be able to defend themselves... But we must admit this is not an easy task.
I am not a lawyer, I am not a Psyco expert... My only expertise comes from the College of Hard Knocks :)**, that I have shared with many to confirm my beliefs.

May we find Strength in Our Higher Power,
GranPa Chuck
Just an ol' guy, who has shared many Family Experiences
Any Questions??

**Please note, I am not affiliated with the "College of Hard Knocks" . Just did a Google search and it popped up. So in my sarcastic behavior, thought it would be interesting to put in this link.

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